Mokri: 100 second film teaches how to gain higher yield in each second
News / Edition 10 / Mokri: 100 second film teaches how to gain higher yield in each second

Mokri, in an interview with the Conference and Festivals Center of Howzeh Honari, said short film is the door to movie making.
"Festivals open up great opportunities to cinema students and those who are interested in film making, so they would gain experience and evaluate their own work comparing to others'.
He said finding an attractive subject is a significant part of making a short film and added: Film makers in this festival learn how to use brevity and value each second in making movies.
"Making a movie in which the cause and effect is shown in 100 seconds is a demanding task, so we must convey the meaning in the shortest time possible, without any complexity", said Mokri.
The movie critic said: of course, simplicity and prevention from complexity does not mean ignorance of the subject, but it means the meaning must be communicated in a way that is not complicated.
Mokri said young artists learn how to take maximum advantage of any second and they might use the experience in making feature movies, where any plan has its own mentality and requires strategy.
The movie critic noted that short film makers are not professionals, whatever competence and technique they have. "Some directors spend millions in making short films and sometimes they are awarded in international festivals, but as long as their movies do not have customers and cannot sell, we can't call them professionals", he added.
The University instructor said: I don't mean short films are not orderly produced. They must be made appropriately, but because they don't do well at the box office and can't result in making money, the job cannot be called professionalism.