Dehestani: officials should develop short film festivals
News / Edition 10 / Dehestani: officials should develop short film festivals

On the assessment of short movies, Dehestani said "brevity is an important thing in short films. Extravagant use of signs and scenery must be avoided in order to achieve a kind of visual pureness."
He said brevity increases the influence of short films. "From this point of view, short films are so valuable compared to feature movies, since each second of the films are considered to be valuable and worthy of paying attention", he added.
A member of the 9th 100 Second Films Festival, Dehestani said without creativity it is impossible to make a short film. He also said "creativity is a fundamental principle in short films. It is an element which bolds itself in short movies in comparison with feature films".
He said the director of a short film must be able to make the film more attractive and convey the message in a more pleasant manner. The pleasure may be a surprise or a visual beauty.
On the festivals effect on short films, Dehestani said: Generally speaking, such festivals are really helpful in our country, because they help us find and nurture new talent among young filmmakers.
"In the future, measures must be taken to invite professional directors to these festivals, so the events will be more professional", he added.
Finally he said "As the country needs feature movies, short films are also necessary. The development of short film festivals will attract those directors who are into this kind of cinema".