Presentation, Development and Production Meeting Held
News / Edition 9 / Presentation, Development and Production Meeting Held

"Filmmakers must take into consideration the countries and festivals they want to send their movies before they write a scenario", he said.
"most filmmakers", he added "do not read the regulations. They just send a short film with any theme and any setting as soon as they find out a short film festival is going to be held somewhere."
"International festivals pay serious attention to the genre. For example movie for children would never be accepted in festivals for adults and vice versa", Vahed emphasized.
This Iranian-Australian filmmaker said policies of foreign festivals are not fixed, but they change each time. For example, movies which are directed by a filmmaker who is banned to work inside Iran might be accepted and praised in foreign festivals.
He said there is no festival like 100 Second Film Festival because it limits the participants in terms of the time. Therefore, this is a great event.
Finally, Vahed showed a number of films from Cinewest Film Festival and talked about them. Other participants also spoke on different aspects of movie making and on the shown movies.