Dorostkar: More professional short films are made today
News / Edition 10 / Dorostkar: More professional short films are made today

In an interview with the Center for Conferences and Festivals in Howzeh Honari, Dorostkar said making a short film needs special conditions and support from cultural officials. "If we think that making a short movie only requires a camera and ordinary equipment, we are wrong", he said.
"In order to enteri the world of short film making, a director needs to take film courses as well as courses for developing ideas so that they can obtain an insight. This only happens if Howzeh Honari and other cultural organizations and associations support", Dorostkar added.
He named festivals as driving forces for filmmakers and said "a newcomer filmmaker who is not established in cinema, finds festivals as golden opportunities to show his / her talent. Still festivals can turn into obstacles if they are not properly planned and if the manager follow their own personal interests".
On showing short films through TV as a medium, he said "Art and Experience Cinema and festivals which are focused on short or experimental movies, cannot cover all filmmakers. Therefore special programs for showing short films on TV channels will draw larger audience".
He emphasized on the higher quality of short films made today and said "if you look back to the movies that were made in the past, you′ll see that our film makers have made an attempt to update their knowledge, take cinema courses and make more professional films. That′s why our short film makers, today, produce films with more knowledge, perseverance and great ideas. And their works win awards at international festivals".
Movie makers, documentary producers and short film fans can follow the latest news from 100 Second Films Festival via its Instagram page or by joining the festival′s channel on Telegram.
The deadline for sending films to the 10th 100 Second Films Festival is January 15, 2016. The applicants can refer the festival′s official website ( in order to register and get more information.