100 second film pioneering new approach in Iran
News / Edition 10 / 100 second film pioneering new approach in Iran

*Mohamad Ali Basheh Ahangar // I believe making a short film is a demanding task, in that one would have to imply a meaning in a short time. But a film maker must not sacrifice quality to achieve that. In other words, making a short film is an experience not an exercise. It shouldn't be regarded as trivial.
Making short films in our country is not taken seriously. It is not right to consider it as a job since nobody would make money by making short movies. Even the film makers might spend some money themselves. Still the directors would feel quite content when his / her movie is on TV or in a festival.
Film making in other countries is different from that of Iran where some directors make movies without any academic education. Sometimes they just rely on their experience of playing in one or two films.
Festivals are the best opportunity to show short films and they give artists the chance to sell their ideas to the audience.
There are many festivals in our country. Some of them are somewhat extravagance. It's better to host only a number of the best ones and helping the quality of film festivals improve.
100 Second Films Festival which tries to apply a new discourse in short film industry, has achieved a privileged status among move makers.
One day, if I intend to make a short film, I would work on my favorite subject: birth, life and death. I have not had an experience in that field and I think it would be a tough task to take on.
It is very difficult to identify the cause and effect of a story in 100 seconds, so we must convey the meaning in a short time without baffling the audience.
By preventing from baffling the audience I mean conveying the deep meaning to the viewers with control and proficiency.