100-second film, invites the filmmaker into a real challenge.
News / Edition 10 / 100-second film, invites the filmmaker into a real challenge.

He continued that the filmmakers should pay more attention to brevity. Film 100 production has difficult limits, and filmmaker should focus on form and content to make it like a real cinematic work not a motto.
He said that producing the short films is not easy at all and young filmmakers find it out when they enter to festivals. It appears that by passing time, the quality of films will progress.
He believes that the most important part in 100-second films is finding an idea. Sadr Ameli, the director and the writer of our country believes that the filmmaker should be able to transfer their idea as fast as possible in its best quality. Finding an idea in comparison with other sort of film is very different and difficult. We have to pay attention to the limited time for displaying the idea.
This is to say that the 10th international 100-second film festival will be held in 4 sections: the main part(national match) , moral cinema , international cinema and 1404 outlook (match).this festival will be held from 2 to 4 Mrs in Tehran.