Triumph over time, the goal of 100 second film
News / Edition 10 / Triumph over time, the goal of 100 second film

*Farid frakhonde kish// During the years of holding 100 Second Films Festival, many artists and film makers have published their views on the features and applications of such films. Now that virtual networks have turned into a part of our lifestyle, the secretariat of the festival has decided to republish those views.
Short films constitute an independent cinema by which you can understand the ideas and priorities of a modern thinking generation. Artists had better know the social issues in their society as well as in the modern world before they experience short film making. They must understand the society's needs and expectation so as to meet them. Invention of effective methods and creativity at work in a movie which is based on brevity, leads to a short film. Patience is a relevant factor which helps the artist obtain a favorable result. The upshot in an artistic work is different from that of an industrial work in that the former is based on emotions. An industrialist makes applications and appliances while an artist conveys the meanings the functional aspects of which, of course, are undeniable. An artist has to interact with society, learn its language and tell the story in a way which is understandable to the people. If necessary, the artist might also introduce alternative languages by which the audience can enjoy new experiences. That's why patience takes on critical importance. In other words, it helps the artist pave the ground for introduction of a new culture which complements the audience's already great culture. Cinema cannot last long without common audience. Besides, an artistic cinema cannot gain a favorable result without paying attention to the needs and expectations of the people. If the cinema becomes creative and dynamic, it can claim it is successful.
In the age of speed and information when brevity is used to convey the most in the shortest time, the meaning must be communicated in the shortest time possible. If it is feasible to write something in one sentence it wouldn't be acceptable to write a paper to convey the same thing. The most distinguishing feature of 100 second films is their brevity. If it is possible to convey the same meaning in 60 seconds, so much the better. The goal is triumph over time. In visual arts graphic is the distinguishing feature and in short films of cinematic arts it is brevity.
There are lots of appropriate subjects in our society. Exploring this potential would be easy to a film maker if she / he knows the Iranian and Islamic culture and if insight, creativity and knowledge are made use of. Besides, in order to make a short film, a good subject with the potential of filling the 100 second limit must be selected. Perhaps an "animation" with a social theme would be the best genre to achieve that goal. But I believe the film maker must experience a special situation and select the topic out of sensitivity.
Iranian short films have achieved impressive success in domestic and foreign festivals, which is a sign of progress. But some of the awards, especially in foreign festivals, are bestowed to movies with extremely unhappy endings. The so-called enlighten communities and festivals praise such movies and foster them. This is not the real status of our short film cinema. Most of our distinguished short films have been promising works with a high level of cultural standards. Academic education, here, is a determining factor, since education and experience help film makers produce different and good works.