Our Goal is To Promote Ethics-Centered Films at International Level
News / Edition 9 / Our Goal is To Promote Ethics-Centered Films at International Level

Since the arrival of 100 Second Film Festival, Behnam Bahadori has worked for it. This year, he works as "Chairman of education committee and foreign film makers′ coordinator".
Secretary of the first three festivals, executive secretary of the fourth, and international affairs secretary of the 5th, 6th, and 8th festivals, Bahadori has interesting information to share about a festival that is supposed to promote as an ethics-centered cinema.
**Distinguished Filmmakers who Achieved Fame through 100 Second Film Festival
Q: Do you think the festival has successfully discovered new movie making talents?
A: When I proposed a plan for this festival 11 years ago, very short moves were not famous in Iran and many rejected the idea because neither the officials nor artists knew this type of cinema. But after the first festival was held, it was accepted as an art event. Since the festival was in line with the norms of contemporary cinema, i.e. brief expression in arts, moviemakers welcomed it gradually. Many moviemakers who are active in production of short films have achieved fame in this festival. Babak Nazari is one these moviemakers who participated in the first 100 Second Film Festival. After that, he directed Shekarestan series.
Q: Since many were not familiar with a 100 second movie in the past, how did you introduce the new form?
A: In the beginning, we hosted educational workshops on making very short movies in different cities. The workshops proved useful later; those moviemakers who attended them in the 1st and 2nd festivals became good ambassadors to introduce our festival to other film makers.
** An International Festival
Q: When did it become an international festival?
A: It was supposed to be a national festival, considering that Elburz province was the host. When the 2nd festival was held, it became clear to me that this art event has the potential to be an international festival. Then we gave managers a suggestion for this purpose and after 6 festivals, we could make it an international art event, hosting directors from eight countries during the first international 100 Second Film Festival.
Q: Why a hundred second? Does it have a special meaning?
A: It has its root in our culture. Not only our literature has used this number, but it is also an international concept, conveying perfection. In other words, an entire concept is framed in one hundred seconds.
** More Artistic Approaches, Advanced Technics and Increased Participation
Q: If you want to present a chart showing the evolution of this festival, how would it be?
A: Well, this festival was not held in two years for different reasons. Actually, now we should have hosted the 11th festival. Art events usually give reports on the number of participants, which is almost always an increasing number. I believe the quality of works is more important than the quantity. Of course the format of films has changed from VHS to HDV in the past 11 years. In addition, methods of movie making, production technics and the content of films have also changed. Certainly, many of the films in the past were of lower quality. In terms of content, many of the films were experimental works. But now, amateur approaches and redundancies are avoided in the content of new films and there are purer works.
For example, there were a lot of social documentaries on drug abusers and mendicants in the first festivals. Now, even if these subjects are selected to make a short film, they are approached more professionally. In brief, we have advanced in terms of quality and from a quantitative point of view, in the last festival, we hosted about 1800 – 1900 films, while in the first festival we only had 200 – 300 films.
Q: How do you compare the quality of Iranian and foreign short films?
A: We have run educational workshops every year. Moreover, interactions with other film makers, helped moviemakers produce more innovative films. Opposite to what people may think, Iranian films now have the same quality or sometimes even better quality than foreign movies.
In fact, foreign 100 second films have to undergo a process of evolution and foster in a group of countries. Until then, we cannot have them with Iranian 100 second films in one competition section.
** 100 Second Film Festival, Cannes Film Festival
Q: don′t you think it would be the other way around if you invite distinguished film makers?
A: Distinguished moviemakers are not interested in making very short movies. In rare cases, art events like Cannes festival invests heavily and asks prominent film makers to produce very short movies. In international competitions, our moviemakers do not have professional experience in making very short films. Movie making is very costly in some countries and we pay more attention to the content than technics.
Q: How do you invite international moviemakers?
A: Invitations are issued in different ways. For example, via websites, cultural centers of the Islamic Republic of Iran in foreign countries, or even correspondence with distinguished film makers whose works are in line with our festival′s slogan (Ethical Cinema). And invitations are also issued in different festivals. Another way is hosting workshops on 100 second films in other countries, which would have a positive influence on foreign moviemakers.
** Cooperation with International Short Movie Festivals
Q: Have you taken measures to show best works in other countries?
A: Yes. We have corresponded with 60 second film festivals of Pakistan and Denmark, so a selection of 100 Send Film Festival movies will be shown in those art events. It would be a kind of publicity that will attract foreign film makers.
We are also corresponding with other festivals, like those of India and Turkey.
Q: Are the judgment procedures different in national and international sections?
A: In the national section, Iranian judges will judge the films. In the internation section, Iranian and foreign judges work together. In the latter section, we have three selected works any of which is put in the category of ethical cinema, would have higher chance of winning.
** Fostering Ethical Cinema in the World
Q: How do you evaluate 100 Second Film Festival place among other short movie festivals in the world?
A: Until recently, I thought our festival is known only in neighboring countries or by those movie makers who have relations with us. But after correspondences and meetings with some of the managers of foreign festivals, I found that they already knew 100 Second Film Festival. This is very good, but we have to work more to reach the level of best short film festivals in the world.
The festival′s slogan is "ethical cinema", so only short films that provide an ethical content are accepted. No special limits are set for participation and registration, but obviously, in competition part, only those movies are present that are in agreement with social and humane norms and other common international worries and ethical issues.